Printing process of the invitation card for A.F.Vandevorst
Printing process of the Christmas card for DRIES VAN NOTEN
A family business, founded more than 100 years ago.
The place to be for high quality and luxury printing matters in small and big quantities.
Tradition and craftsmanship, transmitted by generation to generation, are linked with the newest technologies regarding prepress, offset, typo, embossing and foil printing.
Our passion inspires our customers, because together we can create the impossible …
We offer a range of different printing techniques
and are happy to advise you what is best for your project.
We are accessible to individuals and businesses and graphic arts professionals.
— offset —
The offset process is currently the major printing process. Its success is due to its flexibility and ability to adapt to a wide variety of products. In addition, this printing process provides quality products at a relatively low cost.
— foil printing —
This technique transforms your printing matters in real eyecatchers !
There is a choice between metallic colors, matte colors or multi-colors.
Holographic foils can be used for tickets, certificates or safety printing matters.
— thermography —
Thermographic printing is an affordable alternative to blind embossing and engraving. Compared to engraving, which raises the surface of the paper, thermographic printing raises the type or image. Thermographic printing provides prints that have a high-gloss finish and are artfully textured. The printing is commonly used for invitations, letterheads, certificates, business cards, etc.
— typo-letterpress -
The vintage look is hot! We grew up with typo and value the “old chic” but also combine this old craft with new designs such as the combination of using big fonts with thick paper. Nowadays many people like the printing to be visibly indented, an effect best achieved on soft paper, especially those made from cotton.
— embossing —
Embossing produces an elegant and detailed raised image on either paper or card. This can then either be left pristine, untouched by ink – blind embossed – or be the basis for a printing process adding colour and detail. Embossing is achieved by pressing the paper or card onto an engraved die.
Debossing is the opposite – pressing paper or card onto an engraved die to achieve an image or letters sunk into the material.
This technique results in a luxurious look of your printing.
— edge-painting —
If you want a really special and modern effect, have your printed matter edge painted.
The edges of the cards are colored in the desired colors. At the moment, neon colors are the most popular.
These cards prefer a thicker paper type for optimal color rendition.